Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Iranian-inspired beef dish

The recipe for this came about by accident--I was craving steak but low on cash, had recently read a Medieval Middle Eastern cookbook, and was also trying to clean out the pantry.  It is an attempt to balance the acidity of vinegar and lemon with the sweetness of cinnamon, and the smokiness of cumin.  Texturally it is crunchy and smooth.  It might seem eclectic, but the flavors and textures usually work.  Adjust all the ingredient quantities to taste, as these are just approximations.

1/2 c white vinegar
1 t cumin
1.5 t sumac
1/4 t cinnamon
1/4 t cardamom
2 boneless round (breakfast) steaks, thin cut

1 can butterbeans, drained and rinced
1 Red bell pepper
1 Yellow squash
1/8 c lemon juice
1 t, heaping, garlic
olive oil

Serve with:
green onions
rice (I prefer basmati, made with a cripsy crust in a rice cooker)

ziploc bag and dish
measuring cup
cutting board and knife
frying pan and wooden spoon

Mix all the marinade ingredients in a ziplock bag.

Add the beef.

Marinade the beef overnight.  I like to set the ziplock bag in a bowl to eliminate fear of leaking.

Dice the pepper and squash, set aside. 

Chop the green onion, set aside.* 

Chop the steak into bite sized pieces, brown in pan. 

Add cooking liquid and boil until steak pieces are cooked through, about 5 minutes.  

Pour all into a bowl and reserve.  Clean pan. 
Heat up olive oil and add the peppers and squash. 

Cook until the red pepper starts to soften.  Add beans. 

Continue cooking.  Add lemon juice, garlic and herbs. 

When everything is soft and the liquid is mostly cooked off, remove from heat.

To serve:
Layer rice in bowl.  Add scoop of vegetables.  Add meat slices.  Sprinkle on green onions.

*I do these all first because I only have one cutting board, and I don't want to cut veggies on it after I've cut raw meat.

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