Tuesday, April 28, 2009

First Post

I don't mean to be self-absorbed, but I thought it might be fun to start a blog.

Here goes.

The semester is wrapping up, just:

1. 600 word Arabic paper
2. Arabic presentation on ^ paper
3. Monograph essay for Professor Canfield
4. Research paper on Zionism in Salafist writings for Professor Ahmed

to go.

Made koushari for dinner, going to make zucchini risotto at some point this week.
Anyone else going to be in St. Louis this summer studying for the GRE? I feel the need to retake it since the economic crisis is going to make PhD funding more competitive and I need options.

Does anyone know someone who might want a 1 bedroom North of Delmar for the Spring semester next year? We really don't want to have to move, but our landlord only allows year-long leases.

On a different note, I'm auditioning for a local production of the musical Rent. Any suggestions for a pop/rock genre song to audition with next Monday are appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Am I the only one who sees this for the procrastination aid it truly is? ;P
